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Sri Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Government of Andhra Pradesh

Sri Dr. Seediri Appalaraju

Animal Husbandry Dept. Minister

Sri Peddireddi Ramachandra Reddy

District Incahrge Minister



The union is active in creating awareness among shepherds to form PSBCS and registered 46 new primary cooperative sheep breders societies since 2014 to till date and encouraged the PSBCS to take membership in the union and 36 societies are joined

Regularly conducting Board meetings and General Body meetings.

Appointed a committe of directors to reallocate the land at kurugunta which was encroached by the villagers.

The union members took a unique decision to digitalize the members of the societies issued id cards and covered 5179 members under accidentical Insurance policy. Among two claims one claims at gonipenta is settle and another claim at gandlaparthi is under

The union is promoting business model of meat outlets in anantapur district. Meatout opened at Anantapur was visited by IFAD team, NCDC team and many other NGOs to promote the same. The union as well as society members are activily participating in all th

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