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Sri Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Government of Andhra Pradesh

Sri Dr. Seediri Appalaraju

Animal Husbandry Dept. Minister

Sri Peddireddi Ramachandra Reddy

District Incahrge Minister

The History of DSBCU


During the years 1975-76 emphasis was made by Department of Animal Husbandry in sheep development through organization of primary sheep growers Co-operative societies in the District. Input like supply of breeding rams, medicines and shelter was provided by District Rural – Development Agency and Pasture development was entrusted to Forest Department with provision of 100 Hects Pasture plot for grazing the societies sheep with water facility in the forest land. The Sheep were taken as share capital of the societies.

These Societies acted as demonstration units at village level and the benefits of Deworming, timely vaccinations against epidemics was given to small ruminant producers for replication.

 271 Primary Sheep Breeders Co-Operatives were organized in the District with (13550) small ruminant producers as members.

The District Sheep Co-Operative Union was established in 1985, with 92 Primary Sheep Breeders Co-Operatives as its members with an objective of providing marketing facilities for the produce i.e., Ram Lambs, Culled sheep, Fodder Seed and to render technical guidance to the member societies. The District Union has got financial assistance from National Co-Operative Development Corporation, New Delhi for establishment of a Mini Slaughter house at Kurugunta (V), Anantapuramu (M), Mini Slaughter house was slaughtering Sheep / Goat and supplying hygienically packed meat to the consumers.

The Management of the Union is vested with 12 elected representative from member societies.

Director of Animal Husbandry or his nominee --1

Registrar of Co. op Societies or his nominee -----1

Expert from Sheep Development --------------------1

Representative of Apex Body --------------------------1

Representative of N.C.D.C ------------------------------1

Managing Director of the Union ----------------------1

The Small ruminant producer communities are socio economically backward and illiterate and adopting the age old traditional management practices in the Production. Poor Health conditions of small ruminants in one of the major factors limiting the productivity. The Economic losses due to disease are substantial.

Breeding aspect is also important for increased small ruminant Production. Due to age old practice of naming a good phenotyped young Ram for future breeding Ram is causing in breeding in the flock, Producing weak lambs/ Kids which are more susceptible to diseases.

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